
MAMAMOO’s Solar revealed her tips for financial management

MAMAMOO’s Solar has just revealed her secrets on how to manage her finance.

On August 19, Solar uploaded a video on her Youtube channel, “Solarsido”, titled “How Solar manage her money!!! I want to share my tips with everyone.

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In the video, she shared, “Actually, I don’t consider my tips for money management is something secret. I just want to share with you all about my life and my favorite things, so I made this video.”

Solar said, “ First of all, instead of using credit cards, I use check cards. When I was a trainee, I didn’t have much money, so I only use a check card, which has become one of my habits. Using a check card makes me think of what I should buy because when I buy something, my card will probably be charged right away.

She shared, “Secondly, I take advantage of the online shopping cart. I usually put everything I want inside the cart and leave it there until the next day. When I come back and look again, I may find something unnecessary and take them out of the cart. I keep on thinking and doing it for about 3 days until I sort them out completely.”. Solar also recalled the times when she wasted money because she brought something immediately after putting them in the shopping cart.’

Talking about her habit of buying things, Solar revealed, “I tend to buy big and expensive things instead of small ones. For example, if I buy a good T-shirt, I can wear it for years. If I buy a low quality but cheaper one, it may wear out after just a few washes. As a result, I prefer to buy a good one.

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The last method that Solar shared was savings. She said, “I started saving money since I was a trainee. During that time, I usually saved 10,000 won, or 20,000 won a month. I started with small amounts of money, but it has become a huge treasure to me after years. I enjoy saving and feel great to have that habit. Your life could change when you start saving, even with just a little amount of money.

To end the video, Solar gave her comments, “Making money is hard. While we are still young, we should work hard and earn money.

Solar debuted as a leader of MAMAMOO in 2014. She is currently communicating with fans through her Youtube channel, “Solarsido”. Most recently, Solar bought a 4.5 billion won building, becoming a hot topic.

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