
Jungkook Expresses Desire for BTS’ Full Group Activities After Solo Debut

In a recent interview with Brady from 103.5 Kiss FM Chicago, Jungkook shared his thoughts as a soloist

Despite his evident excitement for his solo gigs, Jungkook openly expressed his longing to reunite with his fellow BTS members.

Jungkook’s solo journey has been met with immense anticipation from fans worldwide. However, he couldn’t help but reminisce about the memorable moments he shared with his bandmates.

“Mention any member, and I can vividly recall what I miss about them. But most of all, when I engage in solo activities, I deeply miss the moments we shared together,” Jungkook fondly said.

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He went on to describe how even in their most solitary moments, the bond among the BTS members remains unbreakable. “For instance, when we’re in the waiting room, even though we might each focus on our individual tasks, we are still together,” Jungkook explained. 

“Attending Suga’s concert and promoting solo, I yearn for the stage with my members or just merely sitting together in the green room. It’s those everyday moments that I genuinely miss. I hope that day will return soon.”

Jungkook’s heartfelt sentiments resonate deeply with fans, who are touched by the genuine affection and connection between the BTS members.

This isn’t the first time Jungkook has hinted at a BTS reunion. During a previous appearance on Live Lounge, he confidently stated that BTS would return with even more strength following their extended hiatus.

“It’s remarkable that each of us has had the opportunity to grow individually through solo projects that reflect our unique qualities and preferences,” Jungkook shared. “After this period of personal development, our collective strength will soar even higher when we reunite as a group. I can’t wait to see that happen as soon as possible.”

Source: K14

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