
Song Da-eun Addresses Dating Rumors with BTS Jimin, Warns of Suing Malicious Comments

On May 22nd, Song Da-eun mentioned the malicious comments towards herself on her social media.

Song Da-eun remarked, “I’ll speak as if you were my younger sibling. It’s not right to hastily categorize people. Humans are inherently dignified, and living understanding such individuals is society and human relationships.

Song Da-eun Addresses Dating Rumors with BTS Jimin, Warns of Suing Malicious Comments

Continuing, she said, “Your parents and teachers probably taught you well when you were young. I feel really sorry looking at you and others like you.”

Song Da-eun stated that emails such as malicious comments are read by her lawyer, saying, “If you don’t want to receive a postal notice asking you to come in for police investigation in a few days, apologize. It’s your last chance from me.” 

On May 16th, Song Da-eun was caught up in self-proclaimed dating rumors with Jimin due to her own posts.

song daeun
jimin song daeun rumor

Some of the photos she posted were presented as evidence of her relationship with Jimin.

Song Da-eun posted a video of a man, and some BTS fans claimed that the man in the video was Jimin.

Furthermore, it highlighted the fact that Song Da-eun had previously posted pictures of herself wearing BTS merchandise and couple items with the name ‘Ji min’ written on them.

As dating rumors arose and malicious comments poured in, Song Da-eun held a live broadcast on May 21st to talk to fans directly.

Addressing fans expressing emotions about the dating rumors with Jimin, Song Da-eun said, “There will be those who want to see it positively and those who want to see it negatively,” and “Don’t apologize to me later if you receive a notice in a few months saying you’re sorry. I’m collecting them.” She also revealed that her lawyer is gathering malicious comments and said, “There will be no compromise,” hinting at a tough response.

Source: daum

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