
Police Obtained Testimony That Doctor Who Allegedly Supplied Drugs to Lee Sun-kyun Injected Drugs Into His Patients

This shocking testimony was recently provided to the police

A dermatologist in Gangnam, Seoul, who is known to be the drug provider Lee Sun-kyun’s drug case is also under investigation for injecting methamphetamine into patients.

JTBC reported on December 19th that doctor A, who is under investigation for providing drugs, admitted he gave and gifted his patients propofol, methamphetamine, and marijuana.

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According to this, B, who obtained drugs from A’s hospital after knowing A in 2021, said, “He showed me a lump of cannabis and said he was a person who could easily get this,” and claimed that A injected propofol to a patient who did not need it and that he himself received methamphetamine at A’s recommendation.

In addition, B added that Mr. A boasted this to him, “Where do you think there will be a doctor in Korea and the world who gives you propofol in a row and gives you methamphetamine in the hospital under his name? It’s only me.”

A is accused of providing drugs to the head of a Gangnam adult entertainment establishment. This girl was later arrested and charged with drug use along with actor Lee Sun-kyun. The arrest warrant was rejected last month, but the police reapplied for it, and the actual examination of the arrest warrant will be conducted in the afternoon of December 20th.

Source: Herald Pop

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