Actor Anupam Tripathi, who played Ali in Netflix’s drama “Squid Game” appeared on MBC’s show “I Live Alone” broadcast aired on the evening of October 22nd. Anupam Tripathi greeted the audiences by saying, “I’m currently working as an actor in Korea, and I played Ali in ‘Squid Game’.”
He said, “I have lived alone in Korea for 11 years. I came to Korea in 2010 because I wanted to become an actor.” He also shared that he made his debut in the movie “Ode To My Family” and appeared in various blockbusters. Anupam Tripathi said, “I don’t know, but anyone would go through hard times. At that time, I lived with the idea of overcoming those hardships and enjoying even a little joy. Everything around me was great, but I kept crying for 3 months. I cried while studying Korean also. I was wondering if this thing was right.”
Then, he confessed that he often listens to BLACKPINK’s songs and also showed off how he is a “true fan” of this girl group, “I really like BLACKPINK. I can’t even choose my favorite member among them. I like them all”. He even begins his morning by dancing to BLACKPINK’s songs