
“The one who drowned my friend in rumors about underage sex and abortion said she’s debuting as an actress soon”

An article relating to actress trainee A’s school violence is drawing attention. 

On Mar 23rd, a post titled “The junior who has been bullying her seniors is debuting as a celebrity” was posted on Nate pann.

The writer said, “It’s about my friend. This is not written by her directly, and she is asking for advice before deciding whether to reveal that person or not.  That person was a junior year younger than her when they were in high school.”

A’s brutality was terrible. Victim B is someone who is so pretty that rumors spread about them at school. A, who was jealous of B, made a strange rumor that she did not come to school after undergoing an abortion when B was absent due to enteritis.

Trainee A School Violence

This was not the only thing A did. Not stopping at only badmouthing B in a group chat with her friends, A also created a rumor that B had engaged in underage sexual intercourse and worked at an adult entertainment establishment on weekends. These rumors were then spread throughout the school.

The writer said, “They even held a school violence committee with the chat log captures, but the teachers covered it up to protect the school image. The teachers said to my friend, “What can I do when you’re this pretty?”‘, “It’s a sin to be pretty”. In the end, my friend had to suffer from false rumors for a year.”

Trainee A School Violence

Finally, they said, “The exact timing is not clear, but her debut as an actress has been confirmed. If A makes her debut, would it be better to disclose her information? Or is it better not to? I’m worried that my friend’s worries will become a reality.”

Netizens who saw this advised left comments such as “I understand why many are saying that you should expose her after she debuts, but should we stop them before they even get the chance to grow?” “People should know that you’ll be punished for committing a crime,” and “I wonder who it is.”

At present, the authenticity of this article has not been confirmed.

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