
Fantasy Boys’ Company Feels Sorry for 13th Place Contestant After Yoo Junwon’s Exit

The lawsuit between Yoo Junwon, the first-place contestant on MBC’s survival show “Fantasy Boys”, and the debut group’s management company, Pocketdol Studio, is still ongoing. 

fantasy boys Yoo Jun-won

Previously, Yoo Junwon filed for the suspension of his exclusive contract with Pocketdol. The company countersued Yoo Junwon and demanded compensation of 3 billion won. Both sides have been presenting their own arguments and engaging in a legal battle.

Pocketdol recently rejected the sentiments expressed by Junwon’s parents and even revealed a desire to provide a opportunity for contestants who didn’t make the cut, leaving many to wonder if this is an earnest offer or just an attempt to mitigate the damage.

Pocketdol said, “Regarding this matter, I can only feel regret for the contestant who ranked 13th in the show. He could have debuted to fulfill his dream. 

The members of Fantasy Boys have continuously challenged themselves and worked hard to achieve their dreams. They are giving their all, so please stop throwing rocks at us.”

Yoo Jun won

Netizen left comments:

  • With the current situation, no one would want to join that group
  • The 13th place contestant should feel relieved tho? 
  • Kim Kwang Soo (CEO of Pocketdol/MBK), just stop
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