
Source Music Refutes Min Hee-jin’s Claims & Announces Legal Action

Source Music eventually expressed their position regarding CEO Min Hee-jin’s argument about launching strategy

On July 23rd, Source Music released a statement on their official account, saying “This is Source Music’s position”.

They said, “Since the statement of ADOR’s CEO Min Hee-jin contains false claims related to Source Music, it is inevitable that we make this position to clarify the facts”, adding “CEO Min Hee-jin’s claim that Source Music copied her launching strategy is false”.

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Regarding CEO Min Hee-jin’s claim, Source Music said, “We have never copied the launch strategy of Min Hee-jin, who was a CBO under our company back then, nor acknowledged any complaints from her”, adding “Chairman Bang Si-hyuk’s opinion in May 2020 about the launch strategy proposed by CBO Min Hee-jin was to realize it through a new team in the label she would establish, not N Team”.

Source Music emphasized, “Min Hee-jin is well aware of the discussion at that time, but she is distorting the facts and claiming that Chairman Bang Si-hyuk suggested realizing her launching strategy through N Team”, adding “In addition to the damage lawsuit we already filed against Min Hee-jin, we will take further legal action and respond strongly to this matter”.

Lastly, they said, “We are willing to disclose our data at any time if necessary in order to reveal the truth”, signaling strong legal responses.

Earlier on the 23rd, Dispatch released an exclusive report unveiling that CEO Min Hee-jin took trainees from Source Music to debut NewJeans.

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Regarding the accusation, CEO Min Hee-jin said, “It’s not true at all, and we will take strong legal action against it”, adding “Revealing personal information of trainees whose contracts have already ended and artists who have moved to another agency without permission and leaking materials including medical records and related data such as demos are considered a breach of contract and a serious crime.”

In particular, Min Hee-jin’s side disclosed data and claimed that Source Music copied most of the female CEO’s launching strategy. Source Music sued Min Hee-jin earlier on the 15th.

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