
Song Hye Kyo in her rookie days: round face and chubby body but still pretty

Do you recognize Song Hye Kyo in these photos? 

Song Hye Kyo is one of the top Korean female stars when it comes to visuals. At the age of 40, she is still known for not only her beautiful face but also skinny and stunning body. But that is probably the perfect description for the current Song Hye Kyo, because flashback to around 2 decades ago, Song Hye Kyo had a totally different image, from her appearance to makeup looks and the way she dresses.  

Song Hye Kyo in her rookie days
The “rounder” version of Song Hye Kyo!
Song Hye Kyo in her rookie days
The makeup style with thin, straight eyebrows and glitter eye color was a hot trend in the early 2000s, but it didn’t seem to be very suitable for Song Hye Kyo. Her eyes seem to be slanting, pale, and the elegant lines on her face are completely unsuitable with this makeup style.
Song Hye Kyo in her rookie days
Song Hye Kyo in her rookie days
The actress was beautiful from a young age, but the late 90s was not the period when her beauty reached its peak.
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