
Netflix’s “The 8 Show”: Korea’s top actresses fighting fiercely on set

Netflix's "The 8 Show" released 15 press still cuts that raise expectations

The series tells the story of eight people who are trapped in a secret space divided into eight floors and participate in a sweet but dangerous show where they “earn money as time accumulates”. The press still cuts offer a glimpse into the unrivaled world view and the extraordinary show that will unfold within it.

Eight individuals living lives crumbling in front of money receive an absurd yet enticing invitation to “The 8 Show”. On “The 8 Show”, you earn money as time accumulates, but conversely, when time is depleted, the show also comes to an end.

The 8 Show

The show’s space consists of communal areas and private spaces divided into eight floors. While the lounge looks like a fancy resort, everything inside the show is made up of “realistic-looking fakes”. Participants’ uniforms and the swimming pool illuminated by projected light rather than water hint at the show’s full of “realistic-looking fakes” and stimulate curiosity.

Participants are provided basic accommodations and can purchase anything except food and drinks through the intercom in each room. However, purchases are deducted according to separate prices set within the show, not the real world’s cost of living, and items purchased with personal prize money cannot be taken out of the room. Violating any of these rules results in a 50% deduction from personal prize money.

The 8 Show

Following the unique rules of “The 8 Show”, the show begins, and participants’ hearts fluctuate between greed and conscience. Surprised expressions of participants seeing something on the stairs connecting the eight floors or the fearful expressions of Ryu Jun-yeol and Moon Jeong-hee hint at the underlying cruelty of the show.

Additionally, Ryu Jun-yeol and Park Jeong-min secretly conversing, the confrontation between Chun Woo-hee and Lee Joo-young, and Park Hae-joon watching Park Jeong-min with scars suggest changes in relationships among participants in the confined space.

The 8 Show

“The 8 Show”, with its intriguing concept, rules and unpredictable story, promises to deliver unrivaled fun to viewers.

Directed by Han Jae-rim and starring eight trustworthy actors presenting unique characters, “The 8 Show”, with its unprecedented and intriguing theme of “earning money as time accumulates”, will be exclusively available on Netflix starting May 17th.

Source: Daum

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