
Lyrics of BLACKPINK’s Lisa’s “Rockstar” Fall Under Criticism

Many netizens are leaving negative comments about the lyrics of BLACKPINK’s Lisa new solo song, “Rockstar”.

On June 28, BLACKPINK’s Lisa dropped her latest solo track “Rockstar”, along with its MV. 

Reactions towards the MV have so far been enthusiastic, with fans and netizens alike completely in awe over the video’s stunning visuals and scale. 

However, the lyrics for “Rockstar” drew a lot of negative responses, with many saying that the lyrics don’t match the perfect MV at all. The line “Lisa can you teach me Japanese”, in particular, raised a lot of eyebrows. 

Below are some comments regarding the lyrics of Lisa’s “Rockstar”: 

  • The lyrics are very repetitive and basic…
  • The repetition got boring real quick after the first minute and given it was only around 2 minutes…I like the track, just the lyrics were underwhelming.
  • Love the beats, hate the lyrics
  • I love Lisa but I got tired of hearing “Lisa can u teach me Japanese” four times in one minute
  • The lyrics should really stop being so cocky and obnoxious … it all feels like bragging off, I can’t see anyone being related to this song really

At the same time, there were comments defending the lyrics, saying that the line “Lisa can you teach me Japanese” may have further depth than originally thought. Some believe that it was an inside joke, while others think that it is mocking people who like to bundle all Asian people together.

Source: Krb, Reddit

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