CelebrityKorean Show

Kim Se Jeong “I overcame burnout thanks to Kim Jong Min’s advice”

Kim Se Jeong reveals that she overcame burnout thanks to Kim Jong Min.

Kim Se Jeong, who made a comeback with her first full-length album after 2 years and 5 months, will appear on KBS 2TV’s “Problem Child in House“, which is scheduled to air at 8:30 PM on September 6th, and talk about the burnout she experienced during her career and her smart investment method.

Kim Se Jeong surprised everyone by revealing her smart investment method and extraordinary financial sense despite her young age. She showed her “smart girl” side by saying, “I don’t invest separately. I’m saving up money by dividing bank accounts into deposits and installment savings” and “I have about 6 bank accounts. I manage allowance account, tax account, etc. separately.” When asked by MCs where she usually spends the most money, she replied, “Delivery app. I don’t know how to spend money because it’s a waste.”

Kim Se-jeong Problem Child In The House

Besides, Kim Se Jeong, who has been active in various activities ranging from starring in dramas such as “The Uncanny Counter”, “Business Proposal” to singing, musical and entertainment, confessed that burnout came when she was busy and doing well. She recalled, “I thought, ‘What am I running for?’

However, she attracted attention by saying that she overcame it thanks to unexpected advice from Kim Jong Min, a senior in the entertainment industry. Kim Jong Min’s words “Rather than looking for something special in a day, try to find fun in everyday life” touched her heart and helped her overcome burnout.

Source: Daum

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