
Kim Jong-kook: “If my girlfriend wears something that’s too revealing? That’ll be hell for me”

Kim Jong-kook went shopping for swimsuits with his nieces.

On April 28th, a video titled “Generation X shopping with Generation MZ…” was posted on Kim Jong-kook‘s YouTube channel.

In the video, Kim Jong-kook met his nieces. They said, “Mom told me to give you this since you live alone. She was worried you might skip meals. She made them in a hurry this morning.” They added that their mother even made seaweed soup for Kim Jong-kook’s upcoming birthday.

Kim Jong-kook asked his nieces, “What were people’s reactions after you starred on my channel?” A niece replied, “All my relatives watched it on Seollal and said they enjoyed it.” Another niece said, “My grandma kept telling me how ugly I looked. We haven’t worked out once since then.”

Kim Jong Kook

Kim Jong-kook handed over his cell phone to pick out sportswear and sports equipment from a platform that appeared in the video as an advertisement. Unlike Kim Jong-kook, who coolly said “Swimsuit sounds good, choose one”, his nieces were rather conservative, “As I see the bikini photo…” Kim Jong-kook told his nieces “What’s wrong with that?” and allowed them to freely choose the swimsuit they wanted.

Kim Jong Kook

He continued, “But the swimsuit… Are you sure? Don’t you need to tone your body first?” His nieces said, “I can’t look at swimsuits anymore. I can’t handle this. It’s embarrassing.” Upon hearing this, he laughingly replied, “It’s a swimsuit, after all. You guys are conservative.”

The nieces asked, “Amongst the women’s swimsuits, do you prefer a bikini, a one-piece, or a rash guard?” Kim Jong-kook answered, “My girl would look pretty in everything.” Then, the nieces gave him a more difficult question, “But what if she wears something that’s too revealing like those in ‘Single’s Inferno’?” Kim Jong-kook made everyone laugh by honestly replying, “That’ll be hell for me.” He added, “The best is to let her wear whatever she wants. People could look, but that’s all they can do.” His nieces went on to say, “With someone like you next to her, everyone’s going to be like, look down.”

Kim Jong Kook

He told his nieces, who were surprised by the unconventional swimsuit, “Let’s not hold ourselves back too much.” Kim Jong-kook hesitated to answer when the nieces showed Kim Jong-kook, who had been looking at the swimsuit for a while, “This one is a bit…” Seeing him like that, his nieces made him embarrassed by saying, “He covered his mouth for the first time.”

Kim Jong Kook

In addition, when his nieces said that foreigners’ swimsuits seemed a little different, Kim Jong-kook emphasized the importance of exercise, “I think it’s the same, but maybe because of body? You can wear this if you do the lunge I taught you.”

Kim Jong Kook

Finally, Kim Jong-kook recommended his nieces to exercise, “If you want to go to the swimming pool, let’s work out more. Do the lunge at home.”

Kim Jong Kook
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