
Famous YouTuber Revealed Jung Hae-in Was VIP At Hostess Bar In Lee Sun-kyun’s Drug Case+Smokes Marijuana

A famous Korean YouTuber made this shocking revelation in a recent livestream

On December 5th, famous Korean YouTube channel “가로세로연구소“ revealed in a livestream that Jung Hae-in was a VIP in “Good Place,” the hostess bar in Gangnam that is being investigated in Lee Sun-kyun’s drug case. Furthermore, Jung Hae-in smoked marijuana at this place with a hostess called Kim Sae-reum.

In the livestream, the host from the YouTube channel revealed that they have received the content of a KakaoTalk conversation between Jung Hae-in and the head of the hostess bar and Kim Sae-reum’s sister, Kim Nam-hee, on September 1st. The messages showed that Jung Hae-in was informing Kim about him coming to the bar with a friend at 2AM.

The host then revealed the testimony of a staff at Good Place. According to this staff, Jung Hae-in had a close relationship with Kim Sae-reum, but needed to make reservations with Kim Nam-hee before coming to the bar because she had higher positions. Unlike Kim Nam-hee and Lee Sun-kyun, Jung Hae-in and Kim Sae-reum didn’t use Philopon drugs. However, they smoked marijuana all the time.

The staff also revealed that the hostess at this bar could make 2.5 million won per night just by waiting tables, and 2-3 million won more per night if they need to “serve” the guests afterwards. The hostesses were all revealed to be addicted to drugs as well.

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