
Current Whereabouts of Former SM Trainee Accused of Inappropriate Messages to Fans

The story of an ex-SM trainee who could have debuted in NCT gains attention 

The trainee in question, who was born in 1996 and comes from China, came under fire in 2016 due to allegations of engaging in inappropriate messages with fans. He allegedly shared explicit photos and texts. 

On the verge of joining the Chinese sub-unit of NCT (now known as WayV), the trainee’s dreams to debut were shattered by this misbehavior. It all began when screenshots of the explicit content he supposedly shared started circulating online.

The controversy intensified when it was revealed that the trainee’s exchanges with fans dated back to 2013, during his participation in a Chinese survival show.

His fans, particularly in China, expressed their outrage, directing their protest at SM for re-considering the trainee’s debut in NCT. As a consequence, the trainee was removed from the debut lineup. 

Yu Shi

He later decided to transition from singing to acting, adopting the stage name Yu Shi. Starting anew in China’s entertainment industry, Yu Shi made his acting debut in 2018. He garnered significant attention earlier this year with his role in “Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms.” Yu Shi’s most recent project is the 2023 action film “Born To Fly.” 

Although he is seeing a promising acting career, his problematic past has a way of catching up. Yu Shi’s scandal during his trainee days have recently resurfaced among Chinese fans, sparking criticism once again.

Source: koreaboo

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