
Actor Lee Sang-bo, who was wrongly accused of being a drug addict… His disclosure is quite serious

Actor Lee Sang-bo, who was arrested for drug use and released without charges, made remarks blaming the police.

On Oct 4th, Lee Sang-bo appeared on CBS Radio’s “Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show”.

When asked “How did you suddenly become a ‘drug user’?”, he replied, “I was going to eat something during the Chuseok holiday (Sep 10th), but all the restaurants were closed, so I bought things to eat at a convenience store. The weather was especially hot that day. I sweated a lot. On my way back from the convenience store, the police were waiting for me. It’s because residents reported that they witnessed me running around in the residential area.

Actor Lee Sang-bo-4102022

He explained, “I was taking tranquilizers to treat depression, but I think drinking a can and a half of beer while feeling lonely was the source of trouble.

He continued, “Through a simple drug test at the scene, I received a ‘positive’ result. The police immediately handcuffed me and searched my house regardless of my intention. I was taken to a nearby general hospital. I received urine tests, blood tests, MRI&CT scans and endoscopy there.

I was locked up for three weeks in the frame of drugs and was acquitted of charges. When the case was closed, I was told, ‘This can happen to people. It can be this cruel’.

Lee Sang-bo said that he also paid the examination fee at the general hospital.

It’s not something to laugh about, but after all the tests were completed, (the detectives) turned their backs on me. At that time, the cost came out to be 1.22 million won. I thought the government agency had to pay for it, but they told me to pay.”

Lee Sang-bo said that he is currently suffering from serious trauma.

“When I was in the detention center, there was a report that (the actor suspected of taking drugs) was A. After that, articles headlined ‘Actor Lee Sang-bo in his 40s used drugs’, and ‘Lee Sang-bo admitted to the charges for taking drugs’ appeared, and a lot of resentment came up. I tried to take time to sort things out, but it wasn’t easy. I had a sore throat, so I got a prescription from the otolaryngologist to take medicine, but I was traumatized, so I couldn’t take it. It was hard to even open the medicine.”

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