
“Real-life Parasite” Hong Kong famous model dismemberment case, the culprit is her ex-husband’s family

From a famous influencer in Hong Kong to a ruthless stepfather, cruel family crimes sparked outrage

On the May 11th broadcast of KBS Joy’s “Men Who Top the Charts”, the “Cruel Family Crimes” chart was revealed.

The top-ranked case involves the gruesome murder of well-known influencer Abby Choi by her ex-husband and his family in 2023.

Second place goes to the consecutive deaths of two babies in Indiana, USA, suffocated by their 13-year-old stepbrother, who claimed to be protecting them from their abusive father.

Abby Choi

The third case is about a missing Chinese elite student who disappeared after falsely telling relatives he was going to study abroad, only to be arrested 4 years later for murdering his biological mother.

Fourth place involves a father who threw his 3-year-old stepdaughter into a hotel swimming pool in Mexico, leading to her drowning and his subsequent conviction.

Fifth place concerns a wife who shot her husband in Pennsylvania, USA, claiming he complained about burnt food.

Sixth place involves a tragic incident in Kansas City, USA, where a man found his one-month-old granddaughter dead in the oven after his wife accidentally placed her there, claiming innocence due to mental illness.


Seventh place is about a 19-year-old son whose wrist was severed by his father in India during a conflict over watching inappropriate videos.

Eighth place depicts a fight over a TV remote control in Illinois, USA, resulting in a nephew blinding his uncle.

Ninth place is the story of a man in the UK who suffered domestic violence from his wife for 20 years, enduring physical abuse even when she was sober.

Tenth place reveals the shocking truth about a famous mommy influencer in the US, who was reported by her fifth son for abusing and torturing her children, claiming she believed they were possessed by demons.

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