
The Givers “Arbitrarily proceed with FIFTY FIFTY’s buyout? We just deliver Warner Music Korea’s label deal proposal”

The service company The Givers, which was in charge of producing music for girl group FIFTY FIFTY, confronted the agency Attrakt.

On July 3rd, The Givers refuted, “Attrakt is distorting it as if our CEO Ahn Sung Il had arbitrarily discussed FIFTY FIFTY members’ future with Warner Music Korea, but this is not true.

The Givers explained, “Warner Music Korea proposed the structure of ‘label deal’ and Warner Music hoped to discuss it with Attrakt’s CEO Jeon Hong Joon, so the two companies were connected. We delivered Warner Music Korea’s proposal thinking that it would benefit the company and artists in the long run.”

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The Givers continued, “CEO Jeon Hong Joon expressed his intention to reject Warner Music Korea in hopes of listing Attrakt. We are not a decision maker and have not played any unnecessary role in this. Attrakt is claiming that it is a conspiracy plotted behind the scenes by our company, which is dissatisfied with them not accepting Warner Music Korea’s label deal, but this is not true at all.

The Givers added, “The reason why we did not express any position is that all the attention and damage caused by false frames that deviated from the essence of the issue will eventually go to FIFTY FIFTY members. Attrakt is tarnishing their reputation.”

Finally, they heralded strong legal action, “Please stop further speculative false frames and acts that damage our company’s reputation.

On the morning of the same day, the agency Attrakt released a recording file with Warner Music Korea, claiming that The Givers arbitrarily proceeded with FIFTY FIFTY’s buyout, causing a stir.

Source: Daum

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