
Reporters Sighed At Compliment On Min Hee-jin’s Visual At Press Conference, “CEO, You’re So Beautiful Today”

Surprised by the change in Min Hee-jin’s styling at the recent press conference, a reporter even complimented her visual on the scene

On May 31st, ADOR’s CEO Min Hee-jin and two legal representatives held an emergency press conference at the Korea Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul.

Reporters’ interest in this event was high because this was Min Hee-jin’s first official appearance in public a month after her first press conference in April. People wondered what position she would make this time.

min hee jin

At the previous press conference, the keyword “Min Hee-jin’s look” sparked a craze on social media. As Min Hee-jin attracted huge attention with her casual outfits with a cap and striped t-shirt, people were curious about her styling for the second press conference.

This time, Min Hee-jin showed up in a yellow jacket with her hair tied neatly. Standing in front of numerous cameras, Min Hee-jin smiled and showed a brighter expression compared to the previous time.

Min Hee-jin said, “I don’t really like to appear in such a place, but I had to step forward the last time in a hurry. Being filmed like this gives me a hard time”, adding “The last time, I came without changing my clothes and washing my face for three days. I’ve revealed my ugliest face to the public so I think I’ve also overcome my complex”.

Later, when a reporter complimented Min Hee-jin, saying “CEO, you’re so beautiful today”, other reporters just sighed.

min hee jin

Meanwhile, the shareholders’ meeting at HYBE earlier on the same day confirmed that Min Hee-jin will remain as ADOR’s CEO but Vice Chairman Shin and Director Shin have been dismissed. HYBE also appointed new in-house directors to replace the two. Regarding the court’s decision to accept Min Hee-jin’s injunction, HYBE said, “We respect the court’s judgment on the injunction in favor of CEO Min Hee-jin and will not exercise the voting rights at the shareholders’ meeting”.

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