
Neighbor complains of noise caused by children of celebrity A, “I filed a complaint but nothing has changed”

Celebrity A with children is embroiled in controversy over noise issues in the neighborhood.

On June 30th, an article titled, “Even in the early morning, I could still hear crying noise from the house next door”, was recently posted on Mom Cafe, drawing attention.

B, the netizen who posted the article, complained, “There’s hardly a day goes by without these things happening. The older kids scream and play loudly until midnight. Later, the child that just celebrated their first birthday wakes up at dawn then cries and makes loud noises for at least 30 minutes.”


B expressed frustration, saying “I even filed a complaint, but nothing has changed. I just wanted them to be cautious and not let the children play until midnight even if they cry. However, I haven’t received any apologies, things are still the same”.

In particular, B claimed that A did not even feel sorry for causing discomfort to neighbors, saying “They know that I filed a complaint. If they leave only a simple note of apology, that would be enough to soothe my discomfort.”

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After the article was posted, it quickly garnered many views and comments. B said they would delete the article soon, but it already spread to other online communities and became a hot topic among netizens.

Netizens who read this article commented, “Even if the complainant exaggerated their suffering, it would have been better if A could visit B and have a talk after the complaint was filed”, “I’m also raising children so I understand that it’s a difficult situation, but I hope they can think of the neighbors”, “Little kids crying can be considered unavoidable, but isn’t it irresponsible to let older kids playing around at midnight?”, etc.

Source: Nate

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