
KBS Apologizes To The Public For Letting Yoon Ji-Oh Make False Claims About Jang Ja-yeon’s Case

KBS President apologized to the public for the controversial broadcasts about Jang Ja-yeon’s incident

On November 14th, KBS’s President Park Min issued an apology to the public, saying “Standing in this place today, I would like to apologize to the public, the owners of the public broadcaster, for the mistakes of KBS and express the determination to make KBS a sincere public broadcaster”, adding “We deeply regret our mistake of undermining fairness, which is the core value of a public broadcaster, and causing the public to lose trust on us, and would like to apologize to everyone.”

He continued, “Regarding the death of the late Jang Ja-yeon, which caused a huge stir in society back then, we made Yoon Ji-oh, who escaped to another country after being suspected of embezzling donations, appear on the broadcast and let her make false claims”.

Jang Ja-yeon

He added, “Despite repeated criticism over fairness during the past years, the mistakes continued to occur after formal apologies and disciplinary actions. I will not allow such cases to happen again in the future.”

President Park made promises, such as “We will not recklessly engage in competitions for breaking news”, “We will clearly distinguish between confirmed and unconfirmed news to avoid anonymous reports as much as possible”, and “We will activate a fact-checking system to prevent misinformation from occurring, and if it ever happens, we will immediately apologize”. 

He emphasized, “In case of controversies over unfair reports, I will take responsibility for the mistakes”, adding “In the future, KBS will prioritize securing fairness and reliability of our broadcasts”.

Source: Nate

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