
K-netizens react to “Jungkook threw away cigarette vs. cigarette ash”

A netizen wondered whether BTS Jungkook threw away cigarette or it was just cigarette ash.

The Pann article regarding this became a hot topic with over 22,000 views as of the afternoon of Sep 10th. Below are some comments from Korean netizens.

Original post: Pann

– It’s obviously cigarette ash. If you look at it slowly, you can be certain.

– Only embers fall. The cigarette remains in his hand.

– Is there a problem with ashing in the smoking area? Ask smokers around you.

– Can’t you see the cigarette flying? If you can’t see it, go to the hospital. Either cataract or schizophrenia.

– I see now that the manager was in front of him. The manager should’ve covered him.

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