
Disability Association Spoke Up Amid Criticism Towards IU’s MV For Disparaging The Disabled

On January 29th, Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination (SADD) announced its position on IU’s music video along with a review titled “The real ‘Love Wins All’.

SADD said, “We fully understand the many debates and criticisms related to the music video for ‘Love Wins All’. Along with debates and criticisms, we want to expand social interest in the human rights of the disabled, and work with citizens and IU on how to deal with the use of various social minorities in art content.”

“We fight ‘The Square’ in the MV every morning,” SADD said. “We fight for disability liberation, swallowing up numerous forms of discrimination, hatred and abusive language that pop up not only on the Internet but also on the spot. That’s how we live in an era of great hatred.”

SADD added, “Nevertheless, we continue to fight against the real “Square.” The ‘Camera World’ we want to create is not a world in which the disabled “become” non-disabled people, but a world in which the disabled move, work and live together normally with others. We also hope for a world in which LGBTQ+ people, workers, and all social minorities living in this world are recognized and respected. We are going out to subway stations on the streets today to turn this ‘world in the camera’ into a real world. That’s how we act, and the world started to change.” “And we hope that IU and we will meet someday to create a world where no one is excluded and shout ‘The real ‘Love Wins All’,” it said.

With IU’s music video for her new song “Love Wins All” released on January 24, controversy has erupted over her disparaging of the disabled. In the music video, IU is described as deaf using sign language and V is blind. The two, avoiding “The Square,” which refers to oppression and discrimination of the world, accidentally find a camera. The two people in the camera seem to have no disabilities. Some pointed out this storyline disparaged the disabled. Seeing the non-disabled couple happy in the camera seems to refer to the disabled as incomplete. Some pointed out that such materials targeted and romanticized the disabled.

Source: Sports Chosun

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