
aespa Giselle “Diamond spoon rumors? Not true at all”

aespa Giselle clarified that the rumors about her being a “diamond spoon” are not true

A video featuring aespa Giselle was uploaded on the YouTube channel “117” on Nov 30th.

In the video, aespa Giselle appeared as a guest, engaging in a talk with Dex. Dex said, “I got massage because I had to meet Giselle. It was the first time to get that kind of massage.” He then exclaimed, “You’re so pretty. Big eyes, small face! How can face be this small? Do you get massage?


When asked “Let’s move on to comeback story. Was there any episode like fighting between members?“, she confessed, “We are friendly and honest for each other at same time. So we tend to talk a lot. But it’s problem that we’re so gentle.”

To Dex’s words “You are living together there would be some troubles. So what problem! Giselle! We’re curious about episodes“, she replied, “For example, when enduring… there’s time when we talk to each other. We’ve talked about everything. After being slightly awkward, after doing something nice, eat something good and it was slightly relaxed. Then the atmosphere got better. We did it this way.”


To the question “Since there are four of you, then for outfit or such… I guess sometimes it overlaps“, Giselle shared, “When it happened, we just let someone pick on their mood. There must be someone who looks more desperate. Without saying a word, we’re being tactful and let the others pick next time.”

Upon hearing Dex say “There are rumors that Giselle is a conglomerate. Not even gold spoon, but a diamond spoon“, Giselle answered, “No.” Dex mentioned, “While I was researching, I saw this a lot. It is said that your grandfather owns 60 golf courses. Your conglomerate parents lives in apartment worth 10 billion won.

Giselle said that both rumors are not true at all. She emphasized, “The golf course? I wish we had. It’s interesting. How relaxed would it be. It’s not like it’s worth 10 billion won. It goes around for really long. Always the same rumor in different version.

Source: Nate

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