
“A Werewolf Boy” – A male and female star who were rumored to be dating as they got so excited that they used wrong words

There was an interesting story at an event after the first screening of “A Werewolf Boy” through the film festival.

“A Werewolf Boy” was invited to the 37th Toronto International Film Festival before its release and received favorable reviews, and it was also released at the Busan International Film Festival, drawing great attention.


At the Busan International Film Festival’s open talk event, the cast had a chance to meet fans. Thanks to the popularity of Song Joong-kiPark Bo-young and the favorable reviews of the movie, numerous fans gathered. When fans said that the two look good together, Song Joong-ki replied, “Park Bo-young is mine. I want to have a dating rumor with Park Bo-young. Let’s hold hands.”


As expected, the media did not miss this and immediately reported on Song Joong-ki’s important remarks, so “Song Joong-ki and Park Bo-young’s dating rumor” topped the search word list.

Source: daum

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