
NewJeans Stayed in Cockroach-infested Dorms & Pressured to Quit School, Said Parents

Parents of NewJeans said that HYBE made the members stay in cockroach-infested dorms and pressured them to drop school.

The parents of NewJeans members, who are also the legal guardians of these minors, have spoken up. Their decision to speak was triggered by an article criticizing ADOR CEO Min hee-jin on July 23 and HYBE’s subsequent response. The parents expressed that they could no longer tolerate HYBE’s “smear campaign” against ADOR.

Below is the full exclusive interview with NewJeans’ parents: 

Minji’s mother: HYBE made the girls return home alone at 2AM and let them stay in cockroach-infested dorms.

Minji’s mother shared that she was happy when Minji moved from Source Music to ADOR. She also revealed previously untold stories of Minji’s trainee days at Source Music.

newjeans minji

“Minji started her first trainee life at Source Music when she was 13, living alone in Seoul,” her mother began. As parents, they wanted to check on their child, but were forbidden from entering the dorm. 

The first time Minji’s mother visited the dorm was a year later, during a move. The sight was shocking: mold growing in corners and cockroaches everywhere. “Thinking about Minji silently enduring such harsh conditions still breaks my heart,” she said.

It wasn’t just the poor living conditions; the endless waiting was even more painful. “Like all trainees, Minji was constantly waiting without any clear explanation or plan from Source Music,” she recalled. “Despite no promise of debut, no specific plans, and no formation of a debut team, Minji continued to work hard.”

Minji’s mother recounted how, despite being only 14, Minji would finish her day after 2 AM without any days off, including weekends, adding, “I can still vividly hear Minji’s voice on the phone, trying to calm her fears while walking home alone in the dark early mornings.”

newjeans minji

Minji was also passionate about her studies. Fearful of missing school if she fell asleep, she would head straight to school after only washing up, often waiting at the gate from 6 AM for it to open.

Despite this, Source Music pressured Minji to quit school. “When Minji was about to enter high school, they suggested it would be difficult to balance regular high school with training and that it would be better not to go,” her mother explained. However, school was Minji’s respite from the harsh training.

With no future plans or explanations from Source Music, Minji decided to pursue high school. The company suggested an arts high school might be feasible, but the entrance exams were imminent, leaving Minji to prepare on her own. She found a teacher and managed to get into an arts high school. “Minji’s strong will towards her dream helped her endure the tough environment,” her mother emphasized.

Later, Source Music became a label under HYBE, and Minji hoped to debut as part of HYBE’s first girl group. However, during this process, she discovered that HYBE was planning to bring in members from another agency, putting her debut at risk. 

min hee jin

“But CEO Min Hee-jin stayed committed to the children she had taken under her wing, leading to Minji finally achieving her dream with NewJeans,” her mother said.

We signed with ADOR, and we were glad to have Min Hee-jin in the process of moving from Source Music to ADOR. We are fully satisfied with ADOR and have never thought of leaving,” Minji’s mother emphasized.

“The problem is HYBE harassing us. Remember the articles that poured out like a witch hunt on April 22 for three days? They framed both the parents and NewJeans in strange ways. It’s shocking how a large company personally attacks CEO Min Hee-jin. How can we trust and rely on such a parent company?” the mother added.

Hyein and Haein’s mothers: Horrific experience of being labeled as traitors

Hyein and Haein’s mothers also clarified that they never had any intention or plan to leave ADOR.

“We have an exclusive contract with ADOR and are fully satisfied. There’s no reason to leave. But HYBE portrayed us as if we were betraying the company and leaving. Being misunderstood in this way was truly horrifying,” they said.

The mothers recounted that Source Music left the fate of the trainees undecided for months without feedback after the final debut evaluation. 

“All members were anxious, thinking they wouldn’t debut. We never received any explanation from Source Music’s CEO before moving to ADOR. When contracting with Source Music, they promised many things, but there were no further meetings or communications. HYBE suddenly portrayed CEO Min Hee-jin, the parents, and even NewJeans as weird people. How can we trust such a company?” they lamented.

They explained why they initially signed with Source Music, stating, “At that time, Big Hit (now HYBE) promised to launch their first girl group, and Source Music was the only company accepting female trainees. We were more than happy to move to ADOR with CEO Min Hee-jin”.

The mothers also pointed out that all the NewJeans members remember being neglected during their trainee days at Source Music. “If HYBE continues to mistreat NewJeans, there is plenty of serious evidence we can reveal,” they warned.

Regarding Source Music’s recent release of trainee videos, Haein’s mother said, “Despite the members moving companies, Source Music and HYBE released these without permission, raising questions about their professional ethics.”

The mothers urged HYBE to leave ADOR alone. “Why do they keep meddling with a well-functioning company? We’ve talked to HYBE’s board multiple times, asking for nothing special, just to leave us alone. This lack of communication is unprecedented. HYBE’s actions are incomprehensible,” they sighed.

Danielle’s mother: HYBE’s response is shocking. Who is leaking information?

Danielle’s mother was appalled by the trainee videos revealed on the 23rd. She highlighted HYBE’s inconsistent statements about debut plans.


“I remember clearly when we signed with Source Music; they said Danielle would be part of HYBE’s first girl group if she made the debut team,” she explained.

“There was no mention of including members from previously debuted groups. That news came much later from external reports,” she said, adding that the recent “member stealing” article couldn’t have been leaked by anyone other than HYBE or Source Music. “Yet, HYBE claims they’re investigating the leak. If the article isn’t corrected, we are considering legal action,” she said.

Danielle’s mother expressed concerns that HYBE and Source Music seem like companies that do not protect their artists. “How can I trust and feel comfortable leaving my daughter with HYBE when they might harass and publish misleading articles anytime?” she questioned.

Continuous Attacks on ADOR by HYBE – “All parents share the same sentiment”

The parents interviewed shared that Hanni’s mother in Australia holds the same views. “There are many more terrifying stories, but we will stop here. HYBE has been attacking us first continuously. We want this fight to end,” they pleaded.


The parents urged HYBE to stop spreading false narratives as if they were truths.

“For example, ‘Attention’ is a debut song brought directly by CEO Min Hee-jin. Danielle also participated in writing the lyrics. It’s shocking that Source Music released the demo and practice videos of ‘Attention,’ which have nothing to do with Source Music, without our consent. We have sent a proof of content letter to Source Music and Dispatch. Despite having many witnesses to the facts, HYBE continues to fabricate stories that could be misunderstood. This is frightening,” they sighed.

Source: Naver

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