
ZEROBASEONE Participates in China’s Largest Awards Ceremony, Captivating Chinese Fans

The group ZEROBASEONE captured fans' hearts by participating in a Chinese festival.

On the 20th, ZEROBASEONE (members Sung Hanbin, Kim Jiwoong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Taerae, Ricky, Kim Gyuvin, Park Gunwook, and Han Yujin) performed at the ‘Tencent Music Entertainment Awards 2024 (TMEA 2024)’, a major music festival held at the Galaxy Arena in Macau.

TMEA 2024 is a music festival and awards ceremony organized by Tencent Music Entertainment, which owns the largest music platform in China. Despite having debuted less than a year ago, ZEROBASEONE confirmed their participation early on, proving their status as ‘5th generation icons.’


On this day, ZEROBASEONE performed four consecutive stages, eliciting enthusiastic responses from local music fans. They began with their debut song ‘In Bloom’ and showcased a powerful group dance with ‘CRUSH.’

Following that, the nine members switched up the atmosphere with the lively house rhythm of ‘SWEAT.’ They reached the pinnacle of their performance with the refreshing melody of ‘Feel the POP.’


Having spent meaningful time with their Chinese fans, ZEROBASEONE stated, “We are happy to participate in TMEA 2024. It was an honor to perform in front of ZEROZE (official fandom name) and the audience. We hope today will be a beautiful memory for you all, just as we received a lot of energy.”

ZEROBASEONE will continue their global journey by appearing on the popular online performance series ‘Global Spin Live’ of the American Grammy Museum on the 25th.

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