
Lee Hyori Flustered by Mother’s Mention of Ex-Boyfriend’s Name on TV Show

Lee Hyori was taken aback when her mother mentioned her ex-boyfriend by name on TV 

In the second episode of JTBC’s variety show “Mom, Do You Want to Go on a Trip?”, which aired on June 2, the story continued with Lee Hyori and her mother’s trip to Gyeongju.

Lee Hyori, who briefly mentioned a high school romance that her mother didn’t know about, asked, “Mom, what do you know?” When her mother mentioned someone’s real name, Hyori was flustered and said, “Just refer to him as XX,” trying to brush it off humorously.

lee hyori

Lee Hyori then jokingly remarked, “XX was fine too,” to which her mother responded, “Sangsoon is much better. What’s the use if someone is just good-looking?” expressing her affection for her son-in-law.

Lee Hyori insisted, “He is better looking than Sangsoon oppa.” When her mother disagreed, saying, “That’s not true,” Lee Hyori argued, “The more you see him, the cuter and more handsome he is.” However, her mother immediately retorted, “No means no.” 

Lee Hyori ultimately conceded, saying, “You’re really honest. You can’t tell a lie, even if a knife is at your throat. I’m the same way.” 

Meanwhile, Lee Hyori married guitarist Lee Sangsoon in Jeju Island in September 2013.

Source: daum

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