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Top Idol Accused of Calling Fans “Dumb MotherF*ers” — The Real Story Behind Her Caption

On September 2nd, Hwasa shared a series of photos on her Instagram, quickly gaining attention.

However, it wasn’t just the images that went viral—the caption sparked confusion among fans and netizens alike.

The controversy arose due to Instagram’s automatic translation of her caption into English, which shockingly suggested that Hwasa had referred to her fans as “dumb mfs that would be choked”. Naturally, this led to a wave of bewilderment and concern.

But did Hwasa actually insult her fans? Definitely not.

In reality, Hwasa’s Korean caption “목이빠졌을무무청이들에게” translates to something quite different. The phrase “목이 빠졌을” is a Korean expression used to describe someone who has been waiting for a long time. So, what Hwasa was really saying is, “To the Moomoos who have been waiting.

Source: Krb