
Tang Wei and Director Kim Tae-yong: A 9-Year International Romance

Chinese actress Tang Wei and her husband, Director Kim Tae-yong, still overflow with love after 9 years of marriage

On December 7 (local time), Tang Wei attended a promotional event for the book “Decision to Leave – Storyboard” held in Hong Kong. The book is reported to have been personally translated by Tang Wei into both Korean and Chinese.

During the event, Tang Wei reminisced about the challenges of translating while taking care of her daughter. She shared, “It was difficult because I had to translate in between taking care of my daughter. It was okay when my husband was around, but there were times he was not at home due to work. Then, I started translating after my daughter fell asleep.” 

Tang Wei also mentioned that although the process was tough, it brought her happiness. She directly mentioned her husband – director Kim Tae-yong, and thanked him for his help, proving their close relationship.

According to a report by the Chinese media “China Times” on November 29, a Chinese netizen claimed to have coincidentally witnessed Tang Wei and shared their encounter on an online community.

The aforementioned netizen stated that they spotted Tang Wei at a private school in Beijing, China, when the actress was waiting for her 7-year-old daughter to finish school. They also attached pictures of Tang Wei wearing a black hat and long padding. 

It seems that circulating rumors of Tang Wei and Kim Tae-young living separately and their relationship being strained were mere speculations.

tang wei

Tang Wei, who debuted in 2004, gained global recognition for her role in “Lust, Caution” (2007). She collaborated with South Korean director Kim Tae-yong in “Late Autumn” (2010), and eventually announced their marriage in 2014.

Director Kim Tae-yong and Tang Wei welcomed their daughter into the world in August 2016, and their love continues to thrive even now, 9 years into marriage.

Source: Daum

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