
Netizens Protest Against Celebs’ Public Appearances At Airports Following Byun Woo-seok’s Controversy

A netizen’s remark on incidents caused by celebrities’ appearances at airports is gaining sympathy among the public

On July 18th, a post titled “Due to the recent celebrity airport incident, a comment is arousing great sympathy” in an online community received a lot of reactions.

The netizen who wrote this post expressed their frustration over incidents occurring at the airports every time celebrities show up. They said, “The airport should not be used as a fashion show or fanmeeting venue for celebrities”, adding “It’s a public facility where numerous people must board their flights on time, and safety as well as security should be considered the top priority”.


They continued, “Reporters and paparazzi should not occupy the halls to take pictures for celebrities’ sponsored items and advertisements. We cannot let sasaeng fans threaten the safety of ordinary citizens”, adding “If we don’t solve these problems, we won’t be able to eradicate celebrity security accidents. Taking the recent incident as a motivation, we must improve this situation.”

As the article spread to other online communities, a lot of netizens expressed sympathy and raised their voices to protest together. 

The netizen did not mention a specific incident, but Internet users believe that it refers to recent accidents caused by public schedules at the airport of several celebrities, such as Byun Woo-seok. Some netizens commented, “Why should we sacrifice our citizens for those who only want to make money?”, “Wearing a hat and a mask is enough, why do they gain attention by bringing bodyguards and then telling others not to care about them?”, “The price of our flight tickets includes the right to use the airport comfortably”, etc.

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