
Kim Sejeong’s Album Behind the Scenes Unveiled

Singer and actress Kim Sejeong has revealed the behind-the-scenes story of her new album

On the 22nd, Kim Sejeong uploaded a video on her official YouTube channel, sharing the making of her first full-length album ‘문(門)’ (The Door) and revealing behind-the-scenes stories related to the album.

She explained the album’s keyword, ‘문’ (The Door), saying, “I prepared it in two versions. One is about the story that only I know, which is hidden behind closed doors, and the other is about the challenge to an unknown world.”

kim se jeong behind the scene

She dedicated three years to this album, stating, “I had a very diverse lineup this time. I included various songs, including those I made three years ago.”

The title track ‘톱 오어 클리프’ (Top or Cliff) required a lot of effort. She confessed, “I was worried about trying a mood I hadn’t tried before. Despite the worries, I prepared a lot.”

kim sejeong

The most challenging aspect was the dance. According to Kim Sejeong, she shed “one dance and one tear.” She practiced tirelessly to ensure that the message of ‘톱 오어 클리프’ (Top or Cliff) could be conveyed clearly through the choreography.

Kim Sejeong summed up this album in one word: “Beginner.” She expressed her love for the album, saying, “From the music video to the songs and the album’s composition, it feels like everything about why I started making music is included.”

Meanwhile, Kim Sejeong is set to begin her first solo concert tour ‘더 문’ (The Door) starting from the 23rd, where she will meet fans from 11 countries around the world.

Source: dispatch

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