
“Killing Romance” Honey Lee, “I didn’t cry because I was embarrassed”

Actress Honey Lee revealed why she shed tears after watching the movie "Killing Romance".

At a cafe in Sogyeok-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul on April 14th, actress Honey Lee had an interview about the movie “Killing Romance” (directed by Lee Won Suk), where she talked about various things.

honey lee

“Killing Romance” tells the story of top actress Yeo Rae (Honey Lee), who retires suddenly after falling in love with island chaebol Jo Na Dan (Lee Sun Kyun). She then meets her former fan club member Beom Woo (Gong Myung) and plans an extraordinary comeback.

Honey Lee’s character, Yeo Rae, is a top star who becomes the subject of national ridicule due to her terrible acting. Unable to withstand the criticism from both the press and the audience, she decides to retire and seeks seclusion on Koala Island in the South Pacific. There, Yeo Rae falls in love with the self-confessed chaebol Jo Na Dan, but she undergoes a transformation due to Jo Na Dan’s madness and obsession throughout their married life.


Honey Lee drew attention by revealing that she shed tears after watching the movie at the preview. She said, “I didn’t cry because I was embarrassed. I cried when I saw the scene of Beom Woo (Gong Myung). I think of Gong Myung as my younger brother, but I didn’t cry because I missed him. I felt sorry for Beom Woo, who felt that he had failed everything after returning from Koala Island.”

She added, “In fact, as theaters are getting tougher these days, people think we should only watch big movies that need to be enjoyed in theaters. Rather, it seems that the diversity of movies is lacking. I think diversity is the key to Korean movies and the taste of watching movies. I hope that there will be a movie like mint chocolate to arouse alarm in that thought.”

Source: daum

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