
K-netizens react to NewJeans Streaming Team apologizing over copying and gossiping about BTS Streaming Team

NewJeans Streaming Team released an apology regarding the suspicions of them stealing content from BTS Digital Streaming Team.

On July 21st, after the controversy over NewJeans Streaming Team copying the design and posts of BTS Digital Streaming Team (52Hz) and talking behind their back became a hot topic, NewJeans Streaming Team issued an apology.


NewJeans Streaming Team said, “We sincerely apologize for causing great damage to Bunny, ARMY and the members of BTS Digital Streaming Team with our words and actions”.

They explained, “While planning for NewJeans’s album release on July 15th a few days ago, we accidentally found BTS Digital Streaming Team – 52Hz and we thought it would be very helpful if we have a similar site. So we took it as a reference to create the site for NewJeans Streaming Team”, adding “Unfortunately, we created the site without contacting 52Hz beforehand. We thought the existing guides, one-click streaming list, and gifts are API addresses provided by Melon and used by any fandom so there would be no big problem.”

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They continued, “We eventually created a site that caused great confusion to the fans and 52Hz. After the controversy arose, our team members gathered for a meeting. In the process, we made inappropriate comments that we should never say, such as comparing the streaming teams’ sites, claiming that both sites are based on existing templates, and criticizing other groups’ songs for not charting even though they’re good.”

Lastly, they said, “We decided to disband the existing NewJeans Streaming Team and return the funds. We are so sorry and will continue to reflect on ourselves”.

Original post: theqoo

In response, other netizens commented:

– The site was created based on existing templates? BTS Digital Streaming Team created them all…what are you saying, kids? I’m so mad

– Wow, that’s disgusting. Let’s not meet each other again

– Idols don’t need this kind of streaming team, and fansㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋYou guys are ruining the image of your idols and affecting good fans…

– Oh they keep making excuses till the end. So pathetic…

– It was BTS Digital Streaming Team who created all the “existing” things you mentioned 

– So you guys stole everything and didn’t even make any effort to make the site??ㅋㅋㅋ

– Wowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Can we just sue them?

– It doesn’t seem like they want to apologize at all. Just making excuses again. 

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