
FT Island’s Choi Min-hwan Recalled The Wedding With Ex-wife Yulhee, “Did I do that?”

FT Island’s Choi Min-hwan drew laughter with a witty response when his wedding were mentioned.

FT Island members recently appeared as the first guest of KBS2’s “The Seasons – Zico’s Artist,” whose first episode aired on July 26th.

In this episode, with FT Island’s Lee Jae-jin, Lee Hong-ki and Choi Min-hwan sitting side by side, host Zico said, “Min-hwan is a particular person that I’m glad to meet as he is the same age as me,” and added “How long has it been (since we last met)?” Choi said, “It’s been about six years,” and Zico asked, “Do you remember the last time we met each other?” Choi blurted out, “In 2018…” and Zico looked very embarrassed, thinking, “Oh, right.”

Choi Min-hwan

As the awkward silence continued, Lee Hong-ki said, “It’s not like you shouldn’t talk about it. Isn’t it your wedding? Didn’t you two meet at the wedding? There’s nothing wrong with it,” and Choi Min-hwan, who was pretending to cry, joked, “Did I do that?” causing laughter.

Zico asked, “It’s our first time meeting each other again since then, right?” and Choi Min-hwan asked, “Did you miss me?” Zico replied, “I missed you so much,” but Choi embarrassed Zico again by revealing, “You changed your number. Your number changes so often.”

In response, Zico explained, “Don’t get me wrong, everyone. Rather than changing my number on purpose, things keep changing for me, and I still keep Min-hwan’s number,” but Choi Min-hwan said, “But why don’t you contact me?” Zico settled the situation, saying, “Anyway, it’s so nice to see you like this,” and FT Island members also politely responded, “It’s an honor for us too.”

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