
Suri Cruise and Tom Cruise May Never See Each Other Again?

Reasons why Tom Cruise can't see Suri Cruise and ex-wife Katie Holmes are analyzed from many angles.

When mentioning Suri Cruise, the term “Hollywood princess” is likely the first keyword that comes to mind for the audience. With parents who are the powerful celebrity couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, it’s no surprise that Suri became America’s most famous baby from birth. After her parents divorced, her life changed 180 degrees. No longer living in luxury or appearing in prestigious magazines, Suri grew up being taught by her mother in a uniquely simple and completely independent way.

Twelve years have passed, and Suri has just officially turned 18 and stepped into adulthood. But sadly, this milestone also marks the beginning of the end for her relationship with her biological father, Tom Cruise, as Tom Cruise will stop the annual $400,000 support payment when his daughter turns 18. 

Recently, Suri even took a drastic step as a formal declaration to sever ties with her famous father. This has left many wondering if Tom Cruise and Suri will ever see each other again.

Decisive Actions from Both Sides

Looking back at the marriage and children of Tom and Katie, the couple fell in love and started dating in early 2005. Just seven months later, they got married. A year after they publicly dated, specifically in April 2006, Suri Cruise was born. However, in 2012, Katie Holmes suddenly filed for divorce from Tom and kept their daughter away from her biological father and his associated religion.

Thus, Suri Cruise’s life has never included Tom, according to Page Six. When contacted for clarification, the “Mission Impossible” star had no panicked reaction or quick denial. In 2011, Tom and Katie officially severed all ties. The Scientology “religion” was the main reason Tom Cruise cut off his family and friends, including his two famous friends, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham.

According to the religion’s rules, members are prohibited from associating with outsiders. Both Suri and her biological mother Katie did not join Scientology, thus Tom Cruise is forbidden from having any contact with Katie and their daughter. 

“This is his loss, his problem. He must have been ‘brainwashed’,” a source told Page Six. Since then, the “Top Gun 2” star has had no contact with his biological daughter.

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Once a “Hollywood Princess” living in luxury with her famous parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes…
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Suri has lived simply after her parents’ divorce 
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Tom Cruise lost both his wife and best friend due to Scientology

According to Yahoo, as a final cut-off from her father-son relationship with Tom Cruise, Suri decided to drop her biological father’s last name, Cruise, and changed her name to Suri Noelle. 

Her name on official documents and credits is now under this new version. Yahoo speculates two reasons for this: Suri either does not want to be recognized as the daughter of the Hollywood superstar, or she wants to completely sever ties with the father who neglected her for 12 years.

According to the Daily Mail, despite concerns about her future career, Suri has a definitive view on her relationship with her biological father: “Tom does not exist in Suri’s world.” Even though the mother and daughter’s finances might be significantly impacted by the loss of Tom Cruise’s support, Suri has no intention of rekindling their father-daughter relationship. 

“Suri will not keep any connection with her biological father even though she has just turned 18. Even if he calls, she won’t pick up. She insists she only has one parent, her mother,” a source told the Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, Tom Cruise seems to not care about his biological daughter’s life, even ignoring her significant 18th birthday. However, he treats his on-screen daughter Dakota Fanning well.

Particularly, Tom Cruise still maintains the tradition of giving birthday gifts to Dakota Fanning even though they worked together a long time ago. Dakota Fanning shared that she thought this tradition would end when she turned 18 or 21, but to this day, she still receives gifts from Tom Cruise. “They are usually shoes, and they are very beautiful,” the star said excitedly in an interview. 

Comparing the cases of Suri and Dakota, the public cannot help but be outraged and suspicious of Tom Cruise’s actions.

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Tom Cruise treats his on-screen daughter better than his biological daughter 

Moreover, Tom Cruise is very kind to Isabella Cruise and Connor Cruise, his adopted children with ex-wife Nicole Kidman. This is because, in 2001, when Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman officially filed for divorce, both Isabella and Connor chose to stay with their father, meaning they had to join Scientology.

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Tom Cruise treats his adopted children Isabella Cruise and Connor Cruise well because they join his religion

Tom Cruise Still Wishes to Be Close to His Daughter?

Although Yahoo and the Daily Mail claim Tom is forbidden by the religion from meeting his daughter, Brightside reveals more detailed information. In 2013, Tom publicly shared the state of his family relationships with his legal team. In March 2023, an anonymous source revealed that Tom was restricted from seeing his daughter due to the religion’s rules but still wanted to keep in touch with her.

Katie and Tom settled their divorce procedures in just 11 days, but the famous actor did not receive custody as intended and was only allowed to visit his daughter a maximum of 10 days a month.

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According to information shared with Hollywood Life in April 2019, Tom Cruise still had a father’s love and affection for Suri despite the distance. However, this was information from five years ago. 

Tom Cruise May Never See Suri Again for This Reason

A close source revealed that it is very likely that Tom and Suri will never contact each other again in their lifetime. In Scientology, the religion is prioritized over family relationships, which decrease in importance based on the level of connection to the religion. So, as long as Suri stays with her mother, her father will not contact her. 

Another scenario for the father and daughter to reunite is if the “Top Gun” actor leaves Scientology. However, this is highly unlikely as he was willing to leave two wives, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes, and his only biological daughter to remain loyal to the religion.

Additionally, former senior Scientology member Karen De La Carriere shared with the Daily Mail the reason why the “Mission Impossible” star is forbidden from meeting his daughter and ex-wife, “Katie is considered a ‘Suppressive Person’ (by the religion), and to be blunt, Suri is a ‘Potential Trouble Source.'”

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According to Scientology, some outsiders are labeled as “Suppressive Persons” – people who perform religion against the organization and are classified as enemies. A “Potential Trouble Source” (PTS) refers to those associated with a Suppressive Person and at risk of becoming enemies of the organization. Given his deep connection with Scientology, to the extent of abandoning his wife and friendships, Tom Cruise is unlikely to rekindle his past father-daughter relationship with Suri.

Katie’s Parenting Style Helps Suri Navigate the Challenges of Adulthood

After ending her tumultuous marriage with Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes took her daughter Suri Cruise to live in New York. Instead of letting her daughter get lost in illusions and long for the old luxurious life with her powerful, wealthy father, Katie began to instill a simple, close-knit lifestyle in Suri. The two have since been able to freely walk the streets or even take the subway without covering their faces. The actress also limits Suri’s use of phones and social media to filter information.

Thanks to this upbringing, Suri has completely transformed into a simple and approachable young woman. Now at 18, Tom Cruise’s daughter truly exudes maturity, with admirable features inherited from both parents.

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Suri’s recent image

News Station once shared that Suri Cruise is very independent. In a 2022 interview with InStyle, Katie praised Suri endlessly, affirming that her daughter has a very strong personality: “I love her so much. My biggest goal is to raise her to be an outstanding individual with 100% strength, confidence, and capability.”

Despite being pursued like an A-list star, Suri is not shy about taking part-time jobs to earn her own income, such as driving for a ride-hailing service instead of using a private driver. Many speculate that Katie Holmes anticipated the loss of significant support when Suri turned 18, thus strictly guiding her daughter in this direction as a preparation for the future.

Source: K14

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