
Kim Hyun-joong, who transitioned to farming, shares what happened after heavy rain “From field cleanup to supply contract”

Kim Hyun-joong, who transitioned to farming, drew a big picture

On July 24th, the YouTube channel “Kim Hyun-joong” posted a video titled “I’m Doing Well… Maybe? (EP.16 No Solid Answers)”.

The released video shows Kim Hyun-joong dealing with the devastated cornfield after the rainy season under the guidance of the village head. Seeing the village head driving stakes into the ground, Kim Hyun-joong marveled “Oh, this way it won’t fall over” and regretted, saying, “If I had done this, the corn wouldn’t have died.

After finishing the corn repair work, Kim Hyun-joong said, “Well, we’ve got everything sorted out. We planted another tomato plant. I’ll make tomato sauce with these when they’re all grown, and I’ll put it on top of the corn.” He added, “Actually, I’ve been planning something big. One thing about the village head’s corn is… I have a half share of his corn. Since now.”

kim hyun joong

Additionally, Kim Hyun-joong visited a restaurant run by his friend. He explained, “Now the corn has almost fully grown. We wanted to make a corn dish and offer it to our fans. My friend has developed a new corn dish, so we’re at his restaurant right now.

He continued, “They sell Haejangguk at this place. Then I specifically asked him… ‘Could you sell a corn dish at your restaurant?’ So, they made a dish called ‘Korean beef corn cheese pancake’. Since I am in the position to supply the corn, right? So with this corn… By supplying all this corn… I want my fans to come over here and taste the corn I grew.

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun-joong got married to a woman two years younger than him last year and welcomed a son the same year. Recently, he revealed his current status of farming on land he bought in 2007 based on a recommendation.

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