
JYP Deleted Scene Of Seungmin Cursing Bang Chan In Stray Kids’s Behind Video

Although Seungmin’s sentence with a curse word did not cause any controversy, JYP still deleted from the video

On July 24th, the official YouTube account of Stray Kids uploaded a new video titled “[Stray Kids: SKZ-TALKER] Ep.65”. The video shows behind-the-scenes moments of Stray Kids members during the promotion of “ATE”.

After watching the video, fans discovered a funny moment when Seungmin cursed at Bang Chan. In particular, Seungmin was sleeping and resting before their music show performance when Bang Chan suddenly approached him. 

In response to Bang Chan’s continuous teasing, Seungmin woke up and replied, “I’m gonna f*cking punch you”. Seungmin showed his fist in front of the leader before continuing his sleep, and Bang Chan laughed enthusiastically.

Stray Kids fans spread the scene among themselves and laugh at the funny moment of members teasing each other.

While fans found Seungmin’s cursing funny, JYP suddenly edited the video. They kept the scene where Bang Chan came to tease Seungmin but cut it right before the cursing part. However, fans already shared the clip everywhere before the company deleted it.

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