
BABYMONSTER’s Fan and Staff Engaged in Fight? Members’ Reaction Draw Attention

A full-out fight broke out between a fan of BABYMONSTER and the girl group’s staff at a recent event, drawing attention. 

On the afternoon of June 27, BABYMONSTER attended the Flex Talk show in Bangkok, Thailand. The event drew a large number of fans who were waiting for the female idols outside the lobby area. However, due to the immense popularity of BABYMONSTER, some fans lost their composure, leading to a brawl.

According to eyewitness accounts, one attendee repeatedly stood up, blocking the view of those seated behind them, so a staff member from the Flex Talk show intervened to address the issue. 

However, instead of cooperating, the attendee immediately lunged at the staff member, resulting in a fight in front of hundreds of other fans. Security personnel quickly intervened and forcibly removed the unruly fan from the event area.

A full-out fight broke out between a fan of BABYMONSTER and the girl group’s staff 
fan babymonster
A man in a black shirt repeatedly blocked the view, leading to the fight.

Notably, in the recorded footage, it seems that BABYMONSTER members Rami and Rora witnessed the entire brawl. Despite this, they remained composed as they were being filmed live for the Flex Talk show. However, some opinions suggest that the two girls were so focused on the filming that they might not have noticed the brawl happening.

rami rora babymonster
Rami and Rora are thought to have witnessed the entire brawl.
However, some suggest that they may not have seen it as they were focused on filming the show.

Source: K14

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