
Lee Ji-hoon Spoke Up Upon Being Mentioned In Park Seul-gi’s Power Trip Revelation

On July 28th, singer and musical actor Lee Ji-hoon posted on his personal SNS account, saying “The fact that my name has been mentioned in such an incident means that I still have a lacking side. If there are people who were hurt because of me in the past, I sincerely apologize to you all. I’m very sorry”.

Lee Ji-hoon Spoke Up Upon Being Mentioned In Park Seul-gi’s Power Trip Revelation

The actor emphasized, “Please stop criticizing Seul-gi and publishing articles about this issue. I hope it ends here. Your speculations and guesses are all wrong”.

Together with the post, Lee Ji-hoon shared a screenshot of malicious comments about Park Seul-gi’s revelation of celebrities’ power of abuse behaviors.

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