
Viewers Shocked At Big Bang’s Daesung Starting To Hire Asset Manager At 19, “How Much Did He Really Earn?”

Daesung of Big Bang commented on how he has managed his money

On the Daesung’s YouTube channel “ZIP Daesung,” a video featuring members Hoony and Jinu of WINNER as guests was uploaded on July 26.

In this video, Daesung asked about WINNER’s usual spending style, “Did you save a lot of money?” To which Hoony replied, “We’re not the type to be luxurious. But (Song) Min-ho is that kind.” When asked, “What do you spend the most money on?” Jinu replied, “Delivery,” and Hoony said, “Family.”

After hearing this, Daesung said, “I started hiring an asset manager when I was 19 years old. I am still doing it. My members did it after hearing his name from me,” adding that he is saving the money he earned from Big Bang activities. He also shared, “Before I went to the army, I made a plan and collected money steadily for 10 years. While we were in the army, we were still the breadwinners of our family, right?”

When Hoony asked, “You had a target even before your debut even though you didn’t know how high you would reach in your career?” Daesung said, “I didn’t have a monetary target, but rather a goal to achieve something,” and added, “When I went to the military, I still should give my parents pocket money, so I made a plan to make a stable system for it and steadily saved money for 10 years.”

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