
Min Hee-jin Claimed No Engagement In Shamanism But Spent 40 Million Won On Shaman Service

Dispatch disclosed conversations proving Min Hee-jin’s engagement in shaman acts to manage ADOR and choose NewJeans members

ADOR’s CEO Min Hee-jin refuted the allegations of shaman’s involvement in ADOR’s management raised by HYBE at her emergency press conference on April 25th. The female CEO claimed that the shaman was just an acquaintance. However, the relationship between Min Hee-jin and the shaman does not seem to be just acquaintances, according to the conversation content disclosed by Dispatch recently.

On July 23rd, Dispatch revealed a conversation between CEO Min Hee-jin and Shaman A about company operations after cutting the connection with Source Music. In particular, the two discussed ways to create an independent label, take trainees away from Source Music, and make Bang Si-hyuk withdraw from their project.

min hee jin

Min Hee-jin even asked for reviews from the shaman to select members for the debut group. The female CEO reportedly sent photos of the trainees to the shaman asking for opinions, and the shaman would make comments, such as “This person looks like a fool. I can see a second soul in her eyes”, “I can’t see much inside Danielle, but she would good for the group’s US debut”, etc. In short, the shaman played a big role in Min Hee-jin’s final decision in selecting the debut lineup.

Min Hee-jin previously claimed that she never engaged in shaman acts. When suspicions about the CEO asking for shaman’s opinions on BTS’s military enlistment, Min Hee-jin responded, “The person I talked to is a friend who happens to be a shaman. Is it wrong to have a friend who works as a shaman?”. However, the disclosed conversation revealed Min Hee-jin mention of a reward of 15 million won for the shaman on February 25th, 2021. Min Hee-jin also made specific requests such as “I hope the girl group project proceeds smoothly without Bang Si-hyuk’s interference and losses”, “I hope reactions to my label ADOR are good”, etc. Min Hee-jin spent 40 million won for the shaman’s service over two months. This completely contradicts Min Hee-jin’s claim of not engaging in shaman acts.

min hee jin

In addition, contrary to Min Hee-jin’s claims, Belift Lab already issued a statement refuting plagiarism allegations, and the reason NewJeans’s debut was delayed turned out to be due to Min Hee-jin submitting branding materials 8 months late, not because of Source Music. As Min Hee-jin’s lies are being exposed one after another, her past statements are gradually losing credibility.

Meanwhile, Min Hee-jin faced a crisis when HYBE claimed that she engaged in shamanism while managing ADOR. According to conversations obtained by HYBE, Min Hee-jin discussed business matters with the shaman for six months. Min Hee-jin planned to take over the management control of ADOR with the shaman and even asked for the shaman’s opinions when hiring employees. 

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