
What is Tang Wei’s reaction after fighting with her Korean husband, director Kim Tae-yong?

Have you ever wondered how actress Tang Wei reacts after fighting with her Korean husband?

During an interview for the movie “Late Autumn,” Tang Wei said there were several disagreements between her and the director, who is also her husband, Kim Tae-yong. 

She said she seemed like a bad actress because she argued with the director every time she filmed a movie. And in “Late Autumn,” she confessed that she clashed with director Kim Tae-yong several times over the character expressions. 

tang wei

It was a clash over the main character Anna she played, and unlike Tang Wei’s desire to reveal Anna’s feelings, director Kim Tae-yong wanted to express the main character as a character that suppresses all emotions. 

tang wei

Tang Wei was impressed by director Kim Tae-yong’s rational explanation and persuasion regarding the character, and accepted his opinion, feeling that he truly liked and loved his character Anna. She even said lovingly, “I love director Kim Tae-yong’s stubbornness.”

Source: Daum

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