
Phrases related to Kris Wu’s case are climbing up on Weibo search ranking

Following the news of Kris Wu’s trial as previously reported, the male star became the center of attention on SNS again. 

Last week, information related to the trial of Kris Wu, a top-tier celebrity in China before his arrest, was published by the Chinese media. Accordingly, the former EXO member is facing charges over sex crimes, meaning he is at risk of serving 3 to 10 years in prison.

Kris Wu

The fact that Kris Wu began to be tried 10 months after his arrest has recently caused a stir on Chinese social media. Many Chinese netizens have left comments demanding that Kris Wu be heavily punished for his wrongdoings. Amid growing interest in his scandal, phrases including “The trial of Kris Wu begins”, “The verdict of Kris Wu will be announced” and “Timeline of Kris Wu’s case” have climbed up the search rankings on Weibo. Accordingly, these phrases reached a total of six million searches, showing huge attention paid to Kris Wu’s case. 

Kris Wu

In addition, Kris Wu’s trial is reportedly not public to protect the privacy of the victim and the court will issue the final sentence according to the law in the near future.

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