
“PD Note” to re-examine Burning Sun scandal’s investigation process

MBC's "PD Note" will re-examine the Burning Sun scandal's investigation process

On the broadcast airing on July 2nd, “PD Note” will delve into the investigation process of the Burning Sun scandal through an episode titled “Burning Sun: The Stories We Missed”.

Five years have passed since the Burning Sun scandal shook South Korea in 2019. With individuals involved in the Burning Sun case being released from prison and international documentaries highlighting K-pop stars’ sex crimes, the shock and anger toward the Burning Sun scandal have resurfaced.

It’s a place where many people come and go. It’s not some deserted back alley. The fact that such an assault could take place there without concern for onlookers means there were likely many other victims beyond just that one person.” (MBC reporter Lee Moon-hyun, who first reported on the Burning Sun scandal)

The incident that ignited the Burning Sun scandal was the assault of 27-year-old Kim Sang-kyo. He was assaulted by a Burning Sun staff member and called 112 to report the incident. However, Kim Sang-kyo claims that the responding police officers arrested him, the complainant, and assaulted him during the process.

burning sun

Following this, a massive investigation into drug use, sex crimes, tax evasion and police collusion at Burning Sun and other Gangnam clubs commenced, putting the police organization’s reputation on the line. “PD Note” will revisit the investigation process of the Burning Sun case.

A single night visit to Burning Sun on November 24th, 2018 drastically changed Kim Sang-kyo’s life. He became entangled in over ten lawsuits, leading to five years of relentless investigation and trials.

Kim Sang-kyo lamented, “The police tried to make me a criminal, and in South Korea, the easiest crime to frame someone for is a sex crime. If it had been one-on-one, I might have felt less wronged.”

Shortly after demanding an investigation into police misconduct, Kim Sang-kyo received a sexual harassment complaint. The women involved were either Burning Sun employees or acquaintances of the club. “PD Note” will return to the starting point of the Burning Sun scandal to revisit the suspicions raised by Kim Sang-kyo.

The person who revealed the GHB drug sexual assault at Burning Sun for the first time confessed, “I have a strong feeling that no one would believe me no matter how much I talked about what happened to me… I only felt like they had already decided on the answer and would investigate according to that answer”.

Despite her courageous accusation, the perpetrator has yet to be punished, even after five years. Even after Interpol issued a red notice, the perpetrator is still living well as a successful businessman in Thailand, while the victim has been struggling with trauma for five years.

“PD Note” looks into the Burning Sun Scandal by reviewing two 180-degree different investigations of two incidents in the Burning Sun Scandal that happened at the same time.

MBC’s “PD Note” will air the “Burning Sun: The Stories We Missed” episode at 9 p.m. on July 2nd.

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