
Kim Jong-kook directly cleared all rumors: “I speak English well because I have a daughter and wife in the U.S?” 

Kim Jong-kook revealed his position about rumors that he has a wife and daughter in America.

On the YouTube channel ‘GYM JONG KOOK’ on September 1st, Kim Jong-kook posted a video titled “Working out and English have many similarities…”. 

In the video, Kim Jong-kook was joined by PD Carlos of “GYM JONG KOOK,” who used to study abroad in Canada, and J, a teacher at an English academy. 

When teacher J said, “If you have an American girlfriend or boyfriend, you can improve your English a lot,” Kim Jong-kook sympathized, saying, “That’s a good method.” 

Kim Jong-kook then denied, saying, “Many people say that the reason why I am good at English is that I have a daughter and a wife in America, so I studied English to communicate with my daughter.” 

Kim Jong-kook said, “In my early days of speaking English, there was a foreigner in the gym, so I taught him how to work out to talk to him. I wanted to talk to him in English,” he said. “I did that. You need to put in your effort,” he shared, adding that he made various efforts to be good at English.

Source: nate

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