Actress Im Ji-yeon shared an update on her SNS channel on the 2nd. She posted a photo taken with Song Hye-kyo, along with the caption “My Glory #Revolver.”
In the photo, the two are seen hugging each other. Song Hye-kyo is dressed casually in a hat, loose shirt, and pants, smiling with a relaxed expression. In contrast, Im Ji-yeon is wearing a sleeveless black top and jeans, and her bright smile stands out. Both of them are in a natural and friendly pose, with their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders and waists. The photo captures the close and warm relationship between them.
On this day, Song Hye-kyo reportedly attended the VIP screening of the movie “Revolver” to support Im Ji-yeon. Song Hye-kyo is known for often supporting and encouraging junior actors, and it seems that her presence was a great source of strength for Im Ji-yeon.
Meanwhile, Im Ji-yeon developed a romantic relationship with Lee Do-hyun after starring together in the Netflix series “The Glory.” Lee Do-hyun has been serving in the military since last August. Their chemistry in the drama led to a real-life relationship, which has garnered much support from fans.
Thus, Im Ji-yeon seems to be enjoying happy days, not only due to her close friendship with Song Hye-kyo but also due to her love with Lee Do-hyun. Following the success of “The Glory,” there is much anticipation for Im Ji-yeon’s future acting activities. Her future endeavors are eagerly awaited.