JTBC’s entertainment program “Soshi Tamtam”, which aired on the evening of August 2nd, showed Girls’ Generation members taking the challenge of finding the gimbap made by their dorm auntie.
On this day, Girls’ Generation drew attention as they looked so emotional when receiving the gimbap and a handwritten letter from the auntie who took care of their dorm auntie. The members easily pointed out that the tuna gimbap among three types of gimbap was made by their dorm auntie and then recalled the time when they lived together in the dormitory.
Hyo-yeon, Tae-yeon and Yu-ri revealed that they have been eating meals cooked by their dorm auntie until now, making other members envy them. Tae-yeon got emotional as she said, “She has been cooking for me for 17 years since I was a trainee”. Hyo-yeon then reenacted the way the auntie was protecting something desperately on the morning of that recording day. She said, “I didn’t think it would be a mission”, drawing laughter.
Meanwhile, JTBC’s “Soshi Tamtam” is a variety program that shows Girls’ Generation members (Tae-yeon, Sunny, Tiffany Young, Hyo-yeon, Yu-ri, Soo-young, Yoon-ah, Seo-hyun), who will celebrate their 15th debut anniversary this year, trying the diverse entertainment world. It airs every Tuesday at 8:50 p.m.
Source: daum