In JTBC’s “Soshi Tamtam,” which aired on July 26th, Girls’ Generation received a mission to find Cho Kyung-san, the baby who was with them in the past entertainment show “Hello Baby.”
In this episode, the entire Girls’ Generation returned to their dorm life 15 years ago. At the dorm, Taeyeon Tiffany, Sooyoung ,Yoona, Yuri, Sunny, and Hyoyeon Seohyun became roommates respectively.
The roommates were given a mission to make handmade burgers for special guests, and Yuri showed off her cooking skills by taking out her personal knife set. After many twists and turns, Girls’ Generation’s handmade burgers were completed, and the identity of the special guest was revealed.
The special guest is Kyung-san, the baby who was with Girls’ Generation on the entertainment show “Hello Baby.” Girls’ Generation said, “Is it Kyung-san? I think I’m going to cry.” Girls’ Generation members turned the filming set into a sea of tears after seeing the photo brought by Kyung-san.
Yuri said, “Thank you for growing up healthy and well. It’s so meaningful for us to meet you again after 15 years.” Tae-yeon said, “You must be popular. Can I cast you for SM?” while Sunny asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?” and when Kyung-san answered, “Yes,” everyone in Girls’ Generation was excited.
However, the next moment, the doorbell rang and a different boy claiming to be “Kyung-san” appeared. It turned out that they have to find Kyung-san. Yoona regretted, saying, “I cried for no reason,” and Tiffany suggested, “Let’s welcome the second Kyung-san with tears too.” With the appearance of the third Kyung-san, Girls’ Generation members had to find the real Kyung-san among the three candidates.
Sooyoung said to the 3rd Kyung-san, “Did you lose your double eyelids as you grew up?” and concluded early, “3rd Kyung-san is not Kyung-san, but he is cute.” Girls’ Generation, who had been agonizing between choosing the 1st Kyung-san or 2nd Kyung-san, chose 2nd Kyung-san and got the answer right answer. He is now a child actor. 1st Kyung-san was Jung Yoo-geun, the baby who was in SHINee’s “Hello Baby”.
Jung Yoo-geun, who looks just like SHINee, is also working as a child actor. Cho Gyeong-san reported his recent status, saying, “I grew up just like anyone else.” Girls’ Generation then showed Jung Yoo-geun on a video call with SHINee’s Minho, through which Minho recognized Yoo-geun at once and rejoiced, adding to the warm atmosphere.
Source: daum