
Female Korean celebrities with “golden ratio faces”: Song Hye Kyo remains undefeatable 

Song Hye Kyo, Kim Tae Ri, and BLACKPINK Jennie are prime examples of “golden ratio” visuals. 

The Korean showbiz is full of beauties of all kinds, but not everyone owns a “golden ratio face”, and Song Hye Kyo, Kim Tae Ri, and BLACKPINK Jennie are some of the few examples. All of them exude an extremely classy vibe and spectacular facial features. According to beauty experts in Korea, they are 3 outstanding examples of “golden ratio” visuals. 

First, a golden ratio face will have a defined upper and lower jaw. Accordingly, U-line faces will be more captivating than V-line faces. Despite making people appear slimmer, V-line faces brought a harsher vibe compared to U-line faces. 

Song Hye Kyo
..and Song Hye Kyo both have U-line faces

Next, lips also contribute greatly to creating the golden ratio. If the lips were too thick or thin, the face would look bigger. Therefore, it’s better to have a moderately plump pair of lips, like Song Hye Kyo and Jennie. 

Song Hye Kyo
..and Song Hye Kyo boast plump lips

“Eyes are windows to the soul”, so of course a golden ratio face would also include a bright and expressive pair of eyes. Experts explain that both monolid and double-lid eyes will fit the golden ratio, but it’s better if the eyes were long to give off a more gentle look. These can all be highlighted with a little bit of eye makeup that amplifies the length. 

Kim Tae Ri
Kim Tae Ri’s eyes are extremely bright. 
While Jennie owns sharper and catlike eyes. 

Finally, beauties like Kim Tae Ri are considered to have the golden ratio due to their harmonious facial features. Whether they choose light or heavy makeup is not important, since their appearance alone is enough to radiate classiness.  

Song Hye Kyo
Song Hye Kyo…
Kim Tae Ri
..and Kim Tae Ri both boasted a chic and class look. 
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